Color Swatch Book

Color Swatch Book

EuforaColor™ introduces our NEW Swatch Book!

Eufora is excited to announce a new streamlined swatch book with a few added features. Each shade series is grouped together and held in the book with magnets, making them easy to pop in and out for color matching. There is also shade behavior information on the back of each shade series to help you identify tonality when formulating.

If you have an existing EuforaColor Swatch Book, you are still in great shape. Your existing swatches still match our shades perfectly and are an excellent resource.

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NA 07 44 7CC swatch 61b61276 c93b 45e2 89b5 0a694cf89e82 720x

Ammonia Free 7.44/7CC Medium Intense Copper Blonde


Scale EuforaColor 590x

Color Scale


Developer Vol. 07

Developer Vol. 07 “ 2.1%
