Hair Towel

Hair Towel

Hair towel made of an absorbent microfiber material that absorbs excess water, dries your hair quickly and gently, reduces friction, and ensures your locks will always look on point. Also known to be gentler and softer on the hair compared to traditional towels.


  • Gently absorbs water while preserving essential hydration. 
  • Eliminate breakage and frizz and allow the hair to dry into its natural locks without external damage and friction.

How to use

  • After washing your hair, drape the turban over your hair.
  • If you have curly or wavy hair and wish to enhance your natural curls, gently scrunch the hair inside the towel to secure a natural shape to the lengths.
  • Twist the turban's longer section and twist it into a coil. – Gently place the turban over the crown of your head and use the button to fasten it in place securely.

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