Permanent Cream Color 100 Natural Ultrablonde

Permanent Cream Color 100 Natural Ultrablonde

Jean Alexander delivers the finest, natural-looking color shades that condition hair, giving more body and incredible shine. The newest advances in technology make this the easiest color to use on the market! The rich herbal content of Mallow, Yarrow and Nettle helps to sooth sensitive scalps. The light, pleasing fragrance provides a welcome relief from harsh ammonia odors. All shades contain a base of the natural primary colors (red, yellow and blue) for perfect gray coverage and natural-looking results. Shades are premixed to contain primary and often secondary highlights. In most cases, it just isn’t necessary to mix two shades together. Essentially, Jean Alexander Color combines simplicity with perfect shade results — easy to use, easy to love. Jean Color is extra gentle as the ammonia levels are very low: under 1% ammonia for levels 1 – 4 under 2% ammonia for levels 5 – 9 under 3% ammonia for level 10 Ultra Blondes

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